NEW FEATURE! Merchandise V2 Release :)

Introducing our new Merchandise feature!

Along with a completely reworked UI we are offering many new features.

  • Inventory! You can now set unique inventories for each item.
  • Item photo gallery. Now add up to 5 images per item to proudly show off your product!
  • Braintree integration. Braintree integration is replacing PayPal support. (Remember PayPal can be added in addition to Braintree)
  • Advanced shipping charges based on delivery country.
  • Special Delivery instructions to the checkout page.
  • Estimated days until product ships setting.




Enter in inventory stock for each item.

  • As orders are placed, the inventory number will automatically adjust.
  • When upgrading from V1 to V2 Merchandise, we will default all items to an inventory of 50.
  • Customers will only be able to add a quantity to their cart that is available.


Image Photo Gallery

Upload up to 5 images for each of your products.

  • Images will be displayed in a slideshow on the item screen.
  • Tap on the images to enter a full screen view.
  • Easily upload and drag and drop images to reorder.
  • Set your primary image (list and popup image as well as first in slideshow).


Braintree Integration

Allow Braintree Payments brings an extremely easy to use and advanced payments gateway to your mobile app!

  • Quickly and easily integrate multiple payment options including PayPal and Venmo.
  • Manage security settings instantly through your Braintree portal.

Shipping Charges

Create shipping charges based on destination country.

  • Enter the amount you wish to charge for shipping based on any country.
  • Add a default charge option to fulfill countries you have not specified.

Shipping Details

  • Enable shipping instructions field from the CMS for your customers.
  • Require a minimum total for shipping.
  • Offer a free shipping amount.
  • Be transparent with your customers. Show an estimation of time when the order will ship.


This new Merchandise feature is available on all platforms, as well as an embedding code so you can add this to your website!

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