Make the Most of Mobile This Holiday

This time of year is key for small business owners who hope to secure new millennial customers. Visibility is at an all-time high and hoards of people are flocking home, ready to revisit their favourite spots. Check out our suggestions for bringing in the pie-season dough with mobile marketing even after the holidays are over.

1. Get to the point. In your push notifications, social media posts, and email blasts, keep it simple and straightforward. Consumers are overwhelmed with marketing messages right now, and millennials especially prefer you to cut through the fluff and lead with what you’re offering.

2. Make it personal. Don’t spam general messages to your whole subscriber list—you’ll quickly lose your audience. The more targeted your messaging the better. Push notification segmentation is great for narrowing recipients based on location, preferences, and more, plus the younger crowds appreciate the feeling of individualized marketing.

3. Time it right. Small businesses may have a tough time competing with the bigger dogs in the lead-up to the holidays, but after Christmas is a great time to run a get-what-you-really-wanted sale to close out the year strong. If you predict low sales during the early weeks of 2016, set your deal end dates around that time. Younger generations are used to deal-hunting, having grown up in the height of Stocktake and clearance sales, they’ll be on the look out for the best Boxing Day Deals.

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