Category Archives: Small Business

13 Financial Mistakes You Could be Making While Freelancing or Managing Your Small Business

Buffer Pin Being an entrepreneur means wearing many hats. Most of us start with a creative passion or deep expertise in a certain area and have to learn the rest as we go. Most of us are making small mistakes along the way without noticing, and sometimes these pesky little mistakes add up to larger […]

10 Ways to Accelerate Your Online Marketing and Small Business Growth

For some businesses, slow but steady is their preferred way to grow. But for entrepreneurs seeking to master their craft and build their empires quickly, careful planning and expertise are required. To learn some of the top methods for accelerating growth in your online marketing plan and beyond, check out some of the tips from […]

How to Budget for Your Small Business

Credit: Rawpixel/Shutterstock   It’s no surprise that starting a business requires a decent chunk of money, but expenses don’t end once you’re up and running. As a small business owner, you’ll want to create and maintain a reliable budget to keep your finances in check. According to Annie Scranton, owner of Pace Public Relations, businesses of […]